
The Centre Marc Bloch (hereafter referred to as the CMB) is a Berlin-based research and training institution for research in the Humanities and in the Social Sciences. Its research groups bring together researchers and Ph.D. students from a wide spectrum of disciplinary and national backgrounds around cross-disciplinary topics. The CMB aims to bring about both the confluence of and confrontation between German and French scientific traditions through concrete projects centred not only on a vast array of European subject-matters, but also on Europe in a global context. It organizes or co-organizes symposia, study days, and conferences to which speakers are invited from universities or research institutions in France, Germany, as well as other countries. The CMB also conducts an active policy of tendering projects and third-party funding, which involve longer-term Franco-German and more broadly European and international cooperation.

The CMB places particular emphasis on doctoral training; it welcomes doctoral students for stays of varying durations. It regularly holds a research seminar in which work-in-progress is presented and discussed, as well as a seminar for PhD students. It moreover runs doctoral training programs and organizes workshops and summer schools. The CMB also ensures the smooth integration of its PhD students and researchers into Berlin’s various institutes and research centres. For example, the CMB's PhD students are offered the opportunity to offer a teaching program at Berlin's Humboldt Universität. PhD students affiliated to the CMB are supervised in the form of tutorials and are also incorporated into the implementation of its programs and other research activities. They can ultimately organize scientific events.

Within the CMB, research and research training are organized in five distinct Research Poles, outlined hereafter.